Do not think it would never happen to you. Even if you are the most careful person you ever know, things like this can happen to anyone. We misplace things for various reasons, and losing car keys are never fun. Maybe your little kids were playing with them, or you were shopping somewhere and set them aside and never noticed you walked out of the store without them, or worst, they are stolen. It is a scary thing. Maybe you simply had a hole in your purse or in your pocket and your key had slipped without you noticing it.
Cars that were made before the 90's had a much easier system that would only require a locksmith making you a new key for the lost or broken one, it would only take a few minutes and just a few dollars. The cars that are build in the last 10 years especially, come with a more complicated security system due to the increased amount of theft everywhere. Your key has a little plastic gadget attached to it. The little black plastic gadget with the buttons that is. It contains a special code that was programmed by your car dealership. This is called transponder chip technology. The transponder chip code comes with the papers you get from the dealership when you purchase your car. Keep this paper somewhere safe. If all goes well and you never lose your key or it never gets stolen, you will probably never need it, nor even think about its existence, which is a good thing.
If your key is broken or lost your only option is to find a reliable local locksmith to replace it for you. But this is only the first part of the problem. When the security system in your car detects a key that does not have the same transponder chip code, your car will not start. On the one hand it's a good thing, because it will stop thieves gaining access to your car; but on the other hand it will make matters a little difficult for you because reprogramming this code will be costly. When you find a reliable locksmith in your local area, make sure they have expertise in car keys and they also have the machine that reprograms the transponder chip code. If they don't have it, you will have to go to your car dealer and ask them to do this for you. They are more expensive than a locksmith, and they charge by the hour.
When you purchase a car, it would be wise to have a second set of keys at a safe place for your access. This would save you time and money in the long run. If you lose your keys often, than keep a third set of keys somewhere else. Better safe than sorry.
Astro Locksmith specializes in Locksmiths in Boston ,24 HR Emergency locksmith and Boston Locksmith.